
The Very Best Way to Start 2021

Lauren McComb Drink Ketones

After a year like no other, I think I speak for all of us when I say that 2021 is going to be a year of OPPORTUNITY.

I truly believe there is no better time than the present to manifest a positive mindset for yourself and reset your goals to become the best version of yourself.

Why do I think this? Because 3.5 years ago, I did just that. I found true mental clarity, wellness energy, and focus by taking a chance on a new opportunity.

I tried my first servings of ketones.

The 10 Day Drink Ketones Challenge Kit is the PERFECT way to get your experience started, providing you WITH an improve mood, sustained sleep and the ability to shed a little extra fat.

This Premium Fuel Source has completely changed my life, and I know it can do the same for yours.

If you’re looking for a way to kickstart the new year feeling optimized, centered and charged to reach your health and fitness goals, the 10 Day Drink Ketones Challenge is definitely for you! 

If you’ve ever been curious about trying a keto lifestyle, this is the perfect introduction to it. I know starting something new can be challenging for some, so I want to break down exactly how this incredible fuel source works and how it can help you live your best life.

All it takes is a little bit of commitment and just under two weeks.


First, we’ll chat. We’ll have a free consultation to go over your ultimate fitness and wellness goals. Then, I will recommend a GOOD, BETTER, or BEST option for you to choose to begin.

  • GOOD: You purchase ONE 10 Day Drink Ketones Challenge Kit plus ONE box of Mitoplex. 
  • BETTER: You purchase TWO 10 Day Drink Ketones Challenge Kit plus ONE box of Mitoplex. 
  • BEST: You purchase TWO 10 Day Drink Ketones Challenge Kits plus ONE box of Mitoplex plus ONE Keto Reboot Kit. 

Each 10 Day Drink Ketones Challenge Kit includes 20 servings and five different flavors. I promise you’re going to love it.

Once we’ve chosen the best opportunity for your fitness goals, it’s time to begin the challenge!

How It Works

Day 1: 
Make one serving of charged (caffeinated) ketones in 20 oz of water and ice. Shake it up and drink within 20 to 30 min. 

Day 2:
Make one serving of caffeine-free ketones in 20 oz of water and ice. Shake it up and drink within 20 to 30 min. 

Day 3 and Beyond:
Make one serving of charged (caffeinated) ketones in 20 oz of water and ice. Shake it up and drink within 20 to 30 min. 

Make one serving of caffeine-free ketones in 20 oz of water and ice. Shake it up and drink within 20 to 30 min.

Want to know a secret? By following my routine above, you actually turn this 10 Day challenge into 12 Days. That’s like having TWO BONUS DAYS!

My Mission for You

This journey is about so much more than ketones. It’s really about becoming the best version of yourself.

When beginning this journey, you will join a COMMUNITY of likeminded people who are all pursuing the same health and fitness opportunities. Plus, I will guide you throughout your entire challenge with personalized and hands-on coaching to help you conquer your goals.

Unlike a lot of programs you hear about this time of year, the 10 Day Drink Ketones Challenge is NOT A DIET!

This is a total lifestyle hack that will have you feeling energized and focused. This product is scientifically proven to improve the overall QUALITY of your life by retraining your metabolic system to burn fat fast. Learn more about it now!

Words can’t express how much I believe in the product. You seriously have nothing to lose and everything to gain. What are you waiting for?! Contact me today, and let’s do this together!

Order your 10 Day Drink Ketones Challenge Kit here.
