
Did You Know These Benefits of Being Active?

We all know that we “should” work out or be more active.  A lot of people have great intentions, but often times find a million reasons not to follow through.  If you only associate physical activity as an action to get a fit body, it is easy to not do it.  I have been thinking about this and wanted to take a minute to bring light to some other benefits of exercising.

So aside from transforming your body to look the way you want it to and have the strength you desire – there are a million other extremely valuable reasons to exercise.

Did you know…?

Exercising improves brain performance.  I don’t know about you, but the older I get the more I am aware of the powerful impact my brain function has on my overall well being. The “pregnancy brain fog” or “mom brain” or just the effects of aging are all realities I am doing everything I can to prevent.  Exercise is one the easiest ways to give your brain an extra boost in performance and avoid feeling that brain fog.

Working out sharpens your memory.  Aren’t you tired of walking into a room and forgetting what you went in there for?  How good are you at remembering someone’s name?  Simply going on a walk daily or doing 30 minute workout could help sharpen your memory so you can avoid those frustrating moments.  I find that absolutely amazing.

Working out prevents signs of aging.  Would you like to age backwards?  Add a simple daily movement routine in.  As you build muscle, gain oxygen in your blood, sweat out toxins, and more – you will glow and find yourself aging backwards.  

Exercising boosts self-confidence.  This isn’t because your body magically transforms overnight.  This is because of the endorphins that are released and also because of the control you are taking over your own body.  A powerless person doesn’t walk in full of confidence, but when you step into a  position of power and take authority over your own self you carry that feeling and confidence into everything. 

Working out enables you to sleep better.  As you release nervous energy, wear down your muscles, build your muscles back up, release lactic acid, give your brain a boost, and increase your oxygen – your head is going to hit the pillow ready for rest.  Working out can help create a great boost in your brain and that includes aiding you in your sleep patterns. 

So aside from transforming your body to look the way you want it to and have the strength you desire – there are a million other extremely valuable reasons to exercise. When you see the value in something it makes it even easier to pursue consistently and even passionately.  

If you’re looking for an easy way to get started I suggest starting here:

  1. Go for a daily walk, run or swim. 
  2. Join a gym or find a community that motivates and inspires you. 
  3. Email me for more tips!

XO, Lauren Dixon