
Is Your Family Ready for Summer?

Summer time is one of my favorite times of year. With all five kiddos out of school we have a lot more opportunity for family fun and adventure.  Even though they are all young, I am already feeling how fast time is moving and I want to make sure we make the most of it.  But with all of the summer fun it can be hard to keep track of all of the things to do.

I have put together some ideas here that I think any family could enjoy.

Take a Trip

With kids out of school it becomes a lot easier to plan the family vacation. Whether you do a day trip for a picnic or a week of camping – plan the adventure and make your kids a part of it.  Kids love road trips, planning the route on a map, picking the adventure hike, planning a day at an amusement park. Ask them what they might like to do, create a vision board for it, and then help them make it happen.

Water Activities

When it’s hot outside kids love to be in the water!  If you have a pool expect lots of time out there, but if not there are so many other options! You can take them to a splash pad, a lake, the beach, or have sprinklers in the yard.  They might also love to try something new like kayaking  or paddle boarding!

Family Fun

If you want to keep the family a little closer to home a game night is a great option! Camping in the backyard and making s’mores is always so much fun too. You could play yard games, draw with chalk, blow bubbles, stargaze, go on bike ride, fly a kite have a barbecue and so much more!  There is lots of fun to do right in your own backyard!

Make It

Kids love activities where they get to be creative!  Spend a day making new recipes and let them pick the ingredients (even if it turns out terrible)! There are some great kits for tie dying shirts or painting rocks that my kids have loved in the past.  Sometimes a great new science experiment like putting Mentos im a bottle of Diet Coke will let them be creative, have fun, and learn something new.  Don’t be afraid to get creative and even a little messy with them.  These are memories they will cherish forever.

Whether you have the summer off with your kids or if you just get pockets of time, the most important thing you can do is share it together.  You will never regret the fun you had on those long summer nights while they were still home with you.  Make the most of it!