
Happy International Women’s Day!

Lauren McComb Women's Day

Happy International Women’s Day to all of the powerful Women in the World 🌎.

International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate women and all of our successes. I am so proud to be a woman and a business owner. I love to encourage others and empower them. My mother and Grandmother always taught me how to be a strong woman. I named my daughter after the strongest women in my life; my Mother and Grandmother. Every day I teach my daughter how to be strong💪.

Life will present its challenges. Through these challenges, it gives us a time to grow, evolve and become a better version of ourselves. When you find yourself knocked down just know you can get yourself right back UP!

Lauren McComb Women's Day

Inspire others, encourage others and love others. My goal is to inspire and encourage everyone one I meet no matter what their journey is in life. I love inspiring others to be better than they were yesterday and to find their passion! I strive for progress, not perfection. I may not always have it together.

Life isn’t always an easy road, but I don’t let the trials and tribulations affect my mindset! Being a small business owner that is focused on encouraging everyone to be the best version of themselves is very important to me. I love that every day I get to encourage, motivate and shift lives globally. I have learned so much about myself during my journey as an entrepreneur!! I am grateful!

Lauren McComb Women's Day

Let’s all celebrate today, tomorrow, and always!!! We are all-powerful, and stronger together ❤️💪🏻!
