
Hydrate with MITO//PLEX™

Lauren McComb Mitoplex Pink

Hydration is so incredibly important for everything we do. Without the right amount of water in our bodies, we begin to lose our mental alertness, decrease our productivity and slow down our metabolisms.

But what if I told you that water alone wasn’t enough to keep your body functioning at peak performance?

Today I want to tell you about how you can improve your hydration and take your energy and cognitive functions to the next level.

After a lot of research and scientific studies, Prüvit has developed an incredible supplement called MITO//PLEX™. It’s an upgraded electrolytes system that gives you a boost of energy while keeping you hydrated at the same time. Plus, it also helps you regulate your body temperature, speed up your metabolism, and increase your Vitamin D3 levels.

Basically, MITO//PLEX™ is a vitamin-like compound, like those commonly found in fruits and vegetables, that targets your cells’ mitochondria to activate and enhance their natural biogenesis. And because it dissolves completely in water, it couldn’t be easier to enjoy.
I know what you’re thinking: This all sounds great, but can’t I just drink some more water and maintain a ketogenic diet instead?

In theory, yes—but your cells take hours—sometimes even days—to change functions, which can keep you feeling tired and unfocused for even longer. MITO//PLEX™ allows you to easily send a signal to your cells to jolt them into action and get them firing right away. All you have to do is dissolve the system in a little bit of water, and you’re on your way to better hydration and focus.
MITO//PLEX™ also introduces your body to something we call “upgraded electrolytes,” which conduct cellular electricity when dissolved in fluids. Using Prüvit’s own MitoP2Q technology, the system is actually proven to be better than just eating a low-carb diet because it helps you maintain your cellular energy. After all, maintaining a low-carb diet is great, but it can reduce your electrolyte balance, which can make you feel off balance and not yourself.

With MITO//PLEX™, you get enhanced hydration that can improve your electrolyte balance, keep you energized during and after your workouts, and even help you achieve better results from eating a Keto-based diet.

Want to learn more and try it for yourself? Click on the MITO//PLEX™ package below to get yours today, or just send me a message so we can connect!

Lauren 💋