
Think You Need A Keto Reboot? Here’s Why You Should.

Keto Reboot System Lauren McComb

When you work in the health and fitness industry for as long as I have, you’ve pretty much seen it all.

Every diet. Every fad. Every wellness hack. What do they all have in common? They never last.

If there’s one thing I know for sure it’s that ✨dieting doesn’t work.✨

Ever since trying Prüvit’s Keto Reboot System, I’ve seen first-hand the kind of difference a scientifically-proven system can have on my overall fitness goals.

Unlike so many weight-loss programs that restrict your diet to an unsustainably low level—which usually causes you to rebound and yo-yo—the Prüvit’s Keto Reboot System actually retrains your metabolism using a method called Caloric Cycling. This approach involves systematically planned increases and decreases of your calorie intake.

Otherwise known as the Keto Reboot System!

You begin the system with a 60-hour period to ignite your metabolism so that it enters a natural state of ketosis. Once your body reaches this stage, it naturally begins to burn unwanted fat in a way that’s healthy and sustainable.

After this initial phase, the system takes on a NEAT-approach that’s meant to . This stands for Non-Exercise Activity-induced Thermogenesis. Think of it as staying active by moving around during the day—taking the stairs, going for a walk, and getting out of your chair throughout the day.

I absolutely love this system because it WORKS FOR ME, and it’s so easy to add into my everyday life. After all, this system is NOT A DIET. It’s a total lifestyle change.

Want to learn more about this incredible product? Check out this video from our Keto//OS Expert Dr. Ryan Lowery.

If you’re ready to get started and want to try this amazing system with me, comment below or send me a message today. Let’s do this together!