

Low Carb Snack Ideas

Trying to eat healthier? I always find it is easier to stay on track when you have snacks prepared. I make sure to prep a weeks worth of healthy snack options. It is so convenient to have healthy options to snack on.

Some of my go to low carb snacking options are:

I love cutting up cucumbers, celery, and sweet peppers to be able to snack on. My kids love cucumbers with cream cheese in the middle. I love celery with cream cheese on it, and Everything But the Bagel Seasoning.

Another one of my favorite go-to snacks is the veggies dipped in ranch or blue cheese (blue cheese is my favorite😍).

Some of my other favorite low carb snacks are, packets of tuna to take with me. They fill me up quickly, and they are filled with protein! Beef jerky is another fantastic low carb option. My kid’s favorite snack for school is Parmesan Cheese Whisps, and my son loves olives (just like his mommy).

Another wonderful option is some babybel cheese, cheese sticks, ham, turkey, or salami. I love to make turkey and cheese roll-ups to be able to snack whenever I feel like it. I always keep babybel or cheese cubes in my fridge to grab as a quick snack.

When I am craving something sweet, I cut up some strawberries and put some cool whip on them, I prefer the sugar-free Cool Whip!

Having healthy low carb snack options handy has really helped keep the entire family eating healthier.

Here is my go-to low carb snack list. (Click the link for product information or grab an equivalent at your local grocery store.)

My favorite low carb trail mix to keep on hand:

