
Eating Healthy On-The-Go

Lauren McComb Healthy Meals

Whenever someone asks me how I maintain a healthy lifestyle, I tell them it’s because I don’t look at it as a diet. I think of it as a lifestyle.

For me, reaching my health and wellness goals is all about maintaining a clear perspective and manifesting positive results. To do this, I create a plan for my meals every Sunday to help me map out exactly what to eat. This helps me stay on track to make healthy choices and lead me towards achieving my goals. 

Having a plan truly is the key to living a happy and successful lifestyle.


I like to start each and every morning with my Premium Fuel and a light breakfast. This powers me with sustained energy throughout the day to help me stay positive and productive. It is important to find a routine that works best for you.

I love having a small balanced breakfast that I can enjoy while I help the kiddos get ready for the day. It is also nice to eat breakfast together.

One of my favorite on-the-go healthy meals is one cup of eggs whites, one whole egg and one half of an avocado. I opt for organic egg whites and pasture-raised eggs. Not only is it delicious, but it’s also full of protein and healthy fats that enhance my morning. I add some hot sauce too to make it even better.


When living a productive lifestyle, it can sometimes be challenging to carve out time for a proper midday meal. That’s why I always try to keep a few grab-and-go items in the fridge that I can pop into my 6-pack fitness Tupperware and enjoy no matter where I am. I also love my 6-pack fitness backpack to tote all my meals for the day if I am going to be on-the-go all day. 

One easy lunch meal I love is organic free range chicken, broccoli and brown rice. This meal keeps me satiated while complimenting my fitness regimen. If I am on the road, my Hot Logic portable heater can heat my meals right up in my car.

Lauren McComb Healthy Meals


In our house, everyone loves steak. Not only is it a delicious meat that’s high in protein, but you can make it so many different ways that it never gets old!

One of our favorite quick meals is steak and mixed vegetables. We love to grill so Dustin usually grills them up while the kiddos and I prep the veggies in the kitchen. In just a few minutes, everything’s cooked and we are sitting down to eat as a family. It’s a win-win!

Discover more of my low-carb friendly recipes here, and be sure to let me know which of these on-the-go low carb recipes you try in the comments below!
