
7 Workout Essentials to Help You Go from GOOD to BEST!

Lauren McComb Sweet Sweat Bands

Happy Tuesday, friends! We made it to a new week. Ask yourself this question, Am I living my life full of positive energy and unlimited potential?

Each and every day, I try to strengthen my mind and body in new ways to enhance my productive lifestyle. I like to challenge myself with little goals like sharing more positivity with others, practicing mindfulness to center my thoughts, and pushing myself farther to reach new fitness goals. I like to think of this process as my personal GOOD. BETTER. BEST. system! 

Fitness is such an important part of my daily life not only for its physical benefits but also for the rush of endorphins it releases that powers my positivity throughout the day. It’s for this reason that I’m always looking for great products that can help me upgrade my workouts to optimal levels!

Over the years, I’ve found some amazing fitness-enhancing products that have truly transformed my workouts. In fact, I use at least one of them in every one of my workouts to level up and reach betterment.

From my must-have Sweet Sweat Waist Trainer to my 1-Pound Wearable Weights, tap on the photo below to check out my list of 7 Workout Essentials! Then comment on this post and let me know which products are your favorite. 💗
